Search Results | southern england

Your search for "southern england" returned 342 results

What % Southern Are You?

Are you more Southern than a bag full of boiled peanuts or should you move back to New England? If you've ever eaten crawdads, bopped your head to Lynyrd Skynyrd or skinny-dipped in a muddy swimmin' hole, you've got to play this quiz!

Fanged, Flying Reptiles Once Soared Over Jurassic England

Mid-Jurassic England was teeming with flighted creatures. Now we know it included a pterosaur called Klobiodon rochei. HowStuffWorks checks it out.

How England Broke off From Mainland Europe 450,000 Years Ago

What geological forces separated England from Europe? Learn more about a new study in this HowStuffWorks article.

Two Truths and a Lie: Southern Traditions Edition

Are Southerners really afraid to rock an empty rocking chair or clean their homes on New Year's Day? Prove that you know Southern traditions inside and out — take this quiz!

Can You Dig It? If You're a Badger, You Can

Badgers love to dig — one den, or "sett," in southern England is thought to cover a territory of over a square mile and have up to 100 entrances.

Can You Name All These British Landmarks?

Can you tell the difference between the gorgeous old church where Princess Diana was married and the gorgeous old church where Will and Kate wed? Take our quiz to see how many of these British landmarks you can name!

Test Your Knowledge of British Geography!

Across the pond sits an island that is the hub of what is known as the United Kingdom. A world power for centuries, this land is well known for many things. But how well do you know the land of the British?

How Crop Circles Work

Are crop circles the work of alien visitors? Are they a natural phenomenon? Are they elaborate hoaxes perpetrated by some very dedicated humans? Learn how researchers try to separate the supernatural from the scientific.

From William the Bastard to William the Conqueror: The King Who Transformed England

This brilliant, ruthless leader invaded England in 1066 and changed the course of British history. In fact, he is the 'father' of every British monarch since.

In which country is this famous city?

There are uncountable tourist destinations around the world. From big metropolitan cities full of culture and nightlife to smaller cities full of history, there's so much to see. Do you know where the world's famous cities are? Test your knowledge with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

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